Pooped Again!

Have already done laundry........grocery shopped.........made what I hope is a delicious pot of chicken soup...........now I must close my eyes. My head is pretty foggy and the house will be filling up soon with people..........kids, husband...

Damn, too late. My husband just came home and wants to talk about a boat he would like to buy. I'm watching him talk....talk.....lips are moving and I am having a tough time paying attention to what he is saying.

This is definitely THE most difficult aspect of MS. I tire easily..........no..... I MEAN EASILY, QUICKLY. It's not just physical, but mental. The increased stimuli of a grocery store or a house full of kids (young adults, actually)... anywhere that is not quiet, which is pretty much everywhere, becomes overwhelming.

(Besides, what makes him think we can afford a boat?)


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