God Gave Us Lemons. Thanks for nothing. In her latest post over at her religion blog gapcohen you'll find this quote regarding God. "If God had made a perfect world, what need would there be for wisdom? So, He left shattered vessels for us to repair. And in so doing, we engage a wisdom deeper than that which fashioned the earth, the sun and the stars." I read this quote over and over thinking.......god sure is an asshole odd bird. You're telling me that it was his intention to make the world imperfect and jam-packed with "shattered vessels" and this would allow humanity to "engage a wisdom deeper", etc? So, basically….what we’ve got going now, i.e. middle east chaos, world-wide starvation, poverty, religious intolerance, political corruption (just to name a few), are all atrocities doled out by a supreme being…whom, in all his glory is giving us an opportunity to “rise to the occasion”? Oh, I get it now. The supreme be...